Xabier Amuriza was born on 3 May of 1941, in Zornotza. Was a basque bertsolari, politic and writer, but also published some discs.
Was born in the farm Torreburu. In 1965 became abbot. Since 1968, he spent 7 years in prision during Franco´s time. In 1976 he left to be a priest. In politic, he has worked for many years in the field of political militancy.
In 1980s he gave a lot of power to the bertsolaritza, introducing a lot of tunes and measures. In two times was the champion of Euskal Herria in bertsolaritza, in 1980 and in 1982.
Apart from the Basqe Country
to thousands of leagues
hands and legs bounded prisoner
I have in Zamora
designes many years
goes to meet here
patient should be taken
free to leave
Apart from the Basqe Country
to thousands of leagues
hands and legs bounded prisoner
I have in Zamora
designes many years
goes to meet here
patient should be taken
free to leave
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